Human beings do not need to make laws in order for the society where he lives. He has high spiritual nature with super consciousness and a choice of great decision-making power. This divine power is building with his original divine truth. Humans can reign as peacemakers with other fellow creatures if he does not derail or fall from his original path of self, which is a test for him. If he fails in his humanity test man can hurt himself as well as other creatures for which he is responsible to take care of. Therefore man has to be educated in good human character before putting him out for leadership rule or official responsibility. If not man can be harmful to himself and to other fellow human beings and it will ignite a fire in society for all. Therefore man shall learn how to behave as a human being. The education of good human character might save him from the law of nature that can degrade man to the lower of the low in creation chain.
The United Nations shall make the good human character building education part of the UN charter and compulsory department in all member countries education system of the world.
Humans have to be evolved to reach his superior consciousness, which is a privilege to humankind from the master of nature. God created man with truths and blessed him with the privilege of superior consciousness and handed over the responsibility for the rest of creation upon the earth.
Humans shall wear the medals of honor to differentiate himself from his family of animals. The names of the honorary medals are as follows: truthfulness, justice, peace, love, mercy, honesty, humility, sincerity, piety, righteousness, fairness, harmonious clean heart, clean mind, clean thoughts, tolerance, gratitude, politeness, friendly, forgiving, patient, loyal, fear of wrongdoing, respect for all gods creations, sharing, obedience, passion, modesty, self realization, trustworthiness, appreciation, charitable steadfastness.
“Be holy in all manners of conversation” Peter 1/15
“Humble yourself in sight of the Lord and he shall let you up” James 4/10
Never do the following
Discrimination of any kind, envy, prejudice, tyranny, mischief, murder, violence of any sorts, oppression, conspiracy, assault, aggravation, brutality, jealousy, hate, slander, anger, backbiting profanity, pride, provoking, deception, falsehood, arrogance, distrust, wickedness, exploitation, cursing, malicious, egocentric. All mankind you are a visitor on this earth. Look closely do well and leave in peace.