Mission Statement for Center for World Peace
“The Center for World Peace is dedicated to bring peace among the nations of the world. It is the peace that shall leave man to peace on the earth.”
Peace shall only come through peace, which will be a sustainable peace.
“And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.” Isaiah 5/15. The first thing is humans know themselves, that where he comes from. In the beginning, man was created from the dust, then from the drop of semen, the male reproduction fluid, takes birth, grows up after a short life on the earth. He will go back to the dust. Therefore it does not pay to be mean to anyone. It is good to be humble and peaceful. Also, humans are created weak. In our arrogance, we try to be mighty. The Supreme Master of nature is mightier than all. We shall be humbled and a peacemaker. The eyes of the lofty man are designed by nature to be looking downward, that tells us that man should be humble and peaceful. The master of nature itself is peaceful, loving, kind for his creation. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1/27. Humans have a material nature and spiritual nature to choose from, we shall choose spiritual nature over material nature because humans are the chosen species over all other creations. In order to know ourselves, all people and nations in the world shall respect their own spiritual nature and be a peacemaker. “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2/4).
Honorable people in all Nations you are temporarily on this earth. There is nothing that belongs to you; why do you fight wars for something that doesn’t belong to you. You have no possession of anything; it all belongs to the master of nature. Please use your mind and follow your spiritual nature, that will lead us to peace and love for one another, and this is the purpose of life on this earth. Respected and honorable people in all nations of the world, can we please not follow our material nature too much? It is leading us to our vain desire, which eventually leads us to violence and war. We shall remember the mindless World War I & II and learn a lesson from it. We now have many high technology nuclear bombs, which can cause global annihilation. The destruction is caused by our mode of ignorance. That human race will be wiped out from the face of the earth. The worst result will be more horrible for the human race. The chain of coming back to the world, as animals “when one dies in the mode of ignorance he takes his birth in the animal kingdom.“ Baghavad Gita 14:15
So the end times scripture say s “We have created man in the best mold, then we reduced him to the lowest of the low.“ Quran 95/4-5